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700 MPa

"Dental Ceramics" "Dental Ceramist" "Dental Crown and Bridge"

600 MPa

argen add ht.jpg

  1170 MPa cer.   630 MPa inc.

2 7 2019 IMPLANT 2 web fin.jpg
2 7 2019 IMPLANT 1 web fin 2.jpg

  1300 MPa

pfz's  5-12

pfz's 5-12



pfz bdg. #29&30  #31 solid zirconia

pfz bdg. #29&30 #31 solid zirconia

pfz 3unit ant. bdg 7-9

pfz 3unit ant. bdg 7-9

nexxzr  inlay

nexxzr inlay

*click on image to enlarge

lab bdg web10-26-2019.jpg
gen pro.jpg
gen 2.jpg
IMG_4219 (1) close up.jpg
gen add.jpg
america smiles.png
dove case 5.jpg

UT 550 MPa

ST 750 MPa

ML 1100 MPa

new 2022 web miyo copy8 jpg fin tex.jpg
katana yml new.png
new cr 2 web 2022.jpg
new 2022 web miyo copy 7 final tex.jpg
cowell post web copy3 miyo 11 22.jpg

1200 MPa

molar 3 2019 for web

molar 3 2019 for web

up crown alien 4 2017

up crown alien 4 2017

*click on image to enlarge

IMG_1048 web.jpg

550 mpa

Lithium Disilicate

emax w/cutback veeners ,7,8,9&10

emax w/cutback veeners ,7,8,9&10

emax veneer with incisal cutback

emax veneer with incisal cutback

360-400 MPa

*click on image to enlarge

1200 MPa

amber m add 100.JPG

Lithium Disilicate

amber mill fin web ` copy.jpg
amber mill 100.JPG

450 MPa


by mlauber.jpg
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